Macau/Hong Kong - Day 3 ( Part 3 )
Times flies. It is time for our 大闸蟹. We went to Mong Kok. Back to the MTR and we were at Mong Kok in a flash. It was similar to Causeway Bay and streets was also closed. We KLKK while finding a place for 大闸蟹. While KLKK, we went to 女人街 but there was nothing much to buy, more of just a look see look see.
One of the several 麻将馆 in 旺角
With this 花篮, no prize for guessing who 罩住 this mahjong house
More people KLKK in Mong Kok
女人街 pasar malam
A crowd of photographers snapping away at a model advertising for a 碧螺春 drink
One of the stalls selling street snacks
Apparently 血盆 liked to eat 臭豆腐 so I tried my first 臭豆腐. It wasn’t that bad though the smell was quite pungent. But it was so 酥脆 that the smell became secondary. Then with the sauce, it was quite tasty. Probably it was a much savory version.
They have a branch there and the 大闸蟹 was only going for $48 HKD each. We went for it as we do not want to miss going to “The Peak”.
We were early so not much people but people started to trickle in as dinner time approached. Braised goose meat, pork ribs, vege, twin mix prawn/crab rolls and of course 大闸蟹.
The dishes were good. The goose slices are tender and goes well with the sauce. But of course, we came for the 大闸蟹 but frankly speaking, I was quite disappointed, because it was abit ordinary.
The spokesman for 大闸蟹
And we read from ST Lifestyle, there was a certain method in eating 大闸蟹 and more important some parts cannot be eaten. But cannot deny that the roe was really good, that was the only good part. Probably it was small, so the effort to get the meat out does not really satisfy the craving. Overall, a good meal.
The roe which was so good and also so unhealthy
The Aftermath
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