Sunday, December 30, 2007

展 望 二 零 零 八

回 首 一 年 好 像 昨 天
光 阴 似 箭 蹉 跎 难 免
细 看 从 前 有 如 云 烟
人 生 难 求 知 己 红 颜

走 过 一 步 多 少 领 悟
踏 出 一 步 勇 气 十 足
回 首 的 路 哀 乐 喜 怒
来 年 路 途 少 点 弥 补

经 过 多 少 明 白 多 少
岂 能 朝 朝 不 再 烦 恼 但 是 不 缺 知 己 千 杯 少

希 望 音 乐 能 充 满 我 的 世 界
能 在 平 衡 中 找 到 我 要 的 每 一 天

Saturday, December 29, 2007

I am Legend

Will Smith gets paid loads of $ for a movie. I am Legend's trailer gets people guessing, though leaving clues behind but there are areas where still intrigued you and wanting to find out more.

It is a short movie by hollywood standard, about 100 mins. The first 60 mins was quite good, letting you in bit by bit on what happened, what now, what about future, etc.

A virus killed "long zhong eh lang", almost. Will Smith as Robert Neville who is a scientist and survivor of New York City, his blood somehow is immune to the virus. A movie can't go along much if only one person wor, so he has a dog called Sam. Yes, Sam Sam Sam Sam ....

And of course, the "infected" who lurked in the dark because they are afraid of the light. For 3 years, neville search for food, tried to find the cure for the virus through testing of his own blood, keep himself alive from the infected.

At a stage, his tests found something positive which require a so called "infected" to be tested on. He captured one of the infected which somehow happened to be the "Tou Eh"'s gf. And somehow with still some intelligence left, he tricked neville and got him hanged upside down for hours.

Then sunsets ... He released himself but hurt his leg. Then the "tou eh" release some infected dogs which killed Sam. Neville was pissed, went for revenge, managed to "lang gah" some infected to death ... but eventually was no match for them, his car was overturned ... and looked doom

But then ..... somehow. One woman appeared with some kind of super duper huper kuper juper power thunder flash. Probably scared off the infecteds and she saved neville.

But ... Yes ... But the infected somehow followed them home.

Few days later, it was showdown. Neville "die die together" with the infected. But at least prior to that moment, the infected test subject was cured, thus he gave the woman the antidote before he "die die together" with the infecteds.

The woman drove off to somewhere and behind the walls of this somewhere seemingly lived the survivors. 7/10

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Top 10 reasons why you must watch "National Treasure : Book of Secrets"

Very entertaining movie. Sequel to the National Treasure in 2004. It was action packed and filled with short sweet sleek scenes leading to scenes. The original cast reprise their roles with the Helen Mirren as Emily who was Ben's mother. Of course, this movie needs a baddie, Ed Harris as Mitch Wilkinson.

It started when mitch showed up in Gate's speech at some auditorium, citing he has the missing page from John Booth's diary who was the one that killed Lincoln.

Well, that shouldn't make Ben buay song. But the missing page which was torn have words on it citing possibility that Thomas Gates could be the mastermind behind the whole assassination plot. This pissed Ben off.

Determined to prove Thomas Gates's innocence.

This sparked off a new hunt for the truth which leads them to the buried city of gold.

Mitch in the end saved the rest in a do or die situation so he isn't such a bad guy anyway.

All he wants was his family name in history citing him who found the city of gold.

I give you ... The Top 10 reasons for you to watch National Treasure : Books of Secrets

10 You believe there is a Book of Secret
9 You simply loved the history of the United States
8 It is holiday season. You should watch a blockbuster !
7 There is not much else to watch wor ...
6 You are one of those that know what is a resolute desk !!!
5 You like puzzles and riddles that was almost solved instantly !
4 Kruger !!! The scene at the White House. Simply Hot !!!
3 You are related to Thomas Gates. Somehow ...
2 You can't wait for the next Indian Jones

And the top reason why you must watch National Treasure : Books of Secrets is ....


Sunday, December 23, 2007

回 顾 2007

在细 雨纷 飞中跑了 3km, 很想继 续跑下 去, 不 过天是越 来越不 作美. 离 去那一刹 那就突 然倾 盆而下,好才我能穿 梭在 HDB 中所 以能避 免 most of the sAmE rain.

在多八天 2007 年就结 束了, 2008 算不算是新的开 始呢 ? 还 是延 续一 样的日 子,只 是用不 同的数 字来称 呼. 回 顾 2007,发 生了什 么事 ? 都不 知 道能不能想 起到 底做过了什 么 ……

总的来 说, 发 生的事可 以属 于三个范 围内. Major, Worth mention or Minor.
Major 当 然不 是飞 机撞 building, 或 SARS 或中了 ToTo. 只 是一 些发 生在我身 上或周 遭的事.

Major 的事
今 年的运 动量还算满 意的. Though somehow 对 gym 好 像提不起劲, 不 知为什 么 …… Haiz. 可 是跑 步还 是会 “尽 量” every week 两 次 :)

三 月时, 我成了拥车奴. 不 过还算是在车跟 COE 都算便 宜的时 候买 到的. 那 时, COE 掉到 around $6K, though 车价不 是照一 样的幅 度的下, 但价 钱很 attractive. 看 了, 试 了和问 了 Madza 3 SP, Jazz, Swift … Somehow 最 终买了 Latio. 从没想过要买 Latio, 最主 要是不喜 欢它的外 观. 在车行那 天, 看了又看, 加 上 dynamic series 的 Latio 整 体上还蛮不 错的. 它的 keyless entry and ignition, sleek interior, electronic air-con controls, most spacious in the same class, footbrake, etc, 这些让我决 定了. 九个月了, 没有后 悔过买了车 !

过了 mid-year,就一 直积 极的在找工 作. 终 于在 11 月, 换了工作 ! 在新的环 境里差 不 多一 个月了, 虽 然是金 融 业, which I worked before for several years, 不 过 getting a hold of how to get things done the current way 是很重 要的, 在这过 程中应 该会被 SaMe. Bo bian … all for the $$$.

Worth Mention 的事
I stopped playing soccer. Though not that I was playing regularly but 在一次中, 突 然间不 能弯下腰,只 是好 像跳 了一 下就不 知 道发 生什 么事. 连 bend down a little bit 都不 可 以, 幸 好还可 以慢 慢地走回 家. Took a shower then went to A&E in my taleban’s car. It was quite an ordeal, 打了一针,有了好转, 所 以只那了药就回了. I was on MC for about 2 wks+ because of this.

停 了我的 keyboard lessons at Replugged Music. 两 个原 因, winnie 和 renne 去Australia 读 书了. Though without them, 是可 以继 续下 去的. 但 是一 想到 sAmE is simple too naturally SaMe. 学 了差 不 多九个月 , let’s see if there will be chances to continue. WARNING : NEVER EVER DO ANYTHING WITH SaMe IF YOU WISH TO PROGRESS OR WANT A GOOD ACTIVITY PARNTER !!!

我写了两首歌 ! 参 加了 S-POP ! 没正 式 went for song writing lessons, 不 过听 起 来还蛮不 错的, at least 自 己还蛮喜 欢的. Though some parts I wished I have more ideas and insipirations to make it better. And of course I recorded the song using 我 的手 机, quality is not there. 很高 兴我参 预了.

Minor 的事
The damn lift upgrading finally started. The piling and drilling noise it gave everyday except Sundays and public holiday 实 在太吵了. 虽 然大 多 数的时 候都已在上 班, so maybe something to console myself.

Never easy to get people to go for holidays. The more you involved, the more it is mission impossible. 但 是我排 除万难, 披 荆 斩 棘找了猪朋狗友, 去了澳 门/香 港 6天5夜. I have always liked traveling of course if work and $ permits. It was a good break. 有了新工作, 下一旅 游点, 看要等到明 年十 月或十 一月了.

该时 候展 望 2008 了 …

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Golden Compass

It was "Lord of the Rings" meets "Narnia" in an infinite race to save a fantastical parallel universe where each of the characters name have at least 4,514,788,164 syllabus.

I was trying hard to keep awake in the first half hour which was quite dry as "James bond" was trying to convince the college to fund him in his journey to a so called "another world" at the far north. And the word "Dust" became the word of the movie, and kept coming up. Mr bond wanted to investigate what the hell is "Dust".

The magisterium which is the "Zhen Hu" is determined to stop him.

I liked the part where the people's soul in this parallel universe lived outside of the body in the form of an animal. It was called the "daemon".

Lyra wanted to go with Bond on his expedition but was rejected. Then the ever stunning Kidman visited the college, wanted to take Lyra north as her ka kia. Then the college gave the golden compass to lyra, a device which will tells you the truth of a question if the person is trained to use it.

Lyra escpaed halfway during the trip when she discovered that Kidman was the "Tou eh" of some organization that separates childrens and their own daemon.

Then lyra started her journey to save her friends which was kept at some research facility at Bolvangar. Along the way, she met a group of gyptians, witches, some air balloon guy and a talking polar bear.

The so called pai lang, a tribe called Samoyeds captured Lyra and brought her to the research facility. But she somehow managed to destroy the facility and save the children. They were stopped by the military guards which have wolves as their daemons.

But with the gyptians, witches and king polar bear, they were no match. The children returned home while Lyra embarked on another journey to look for Bond. 6/10

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Heartbreak Kid

Another Ben Stiller kind of movie. Meaning he is the suay ka and usually don't get his way. From the makers of "There is something about Mary", Heartbreak kid was rated R21 for its sexual content, quite sexual and crude for a comedy.

Eddie is 40 and somehow just did not cross the line to marriage. He broke off with his 5 years so called girlfriend and went to her wedding. Well, did not went well of course, seated in a singles only table but actually is a kids tables, depicting all the people are married or attached. And there was this twin brothers on the table whom somehow thought his wife was murdered.

Then came along a incredible sexy and nice girl, Laila. They hit it off ! But Laila had to move to Rotterdam because of her job, unless she was married. I liked this part where they were talking in a park, she told him she need to move to rotterdam for 2 years. Eddie was shocked as it started so well, he didn't want to end it ... It went silent for a while ... then he blurted "Why Germany ?" Caught me off guard on this one ... Funny

In addition, pressured by his father and friend, they got married and nightmare on elm street was on its way.

She started to show her crazy ways during their mexico resort honeymoon. Eddie almost wanted to jump car when she kept singing along the trip but then they de-route to some motel and had sex. This newly wed wife seems sex hunger and liked to do it in super duper positions.

You get more sex at the hotel. But then she stupidly and stubbornly rejected putting on sun block on the beach. What you get is fantastic 4 flame on and pissed off of course. Then alot of truth came off, she didn't have a paying job, she was on drugs before and was in debt now, etc.

During the times when laila was resting, eddie met someone he fell in love with, Miranda. She was there with her family, some regular event. Her family liked his humour too but not knowing he was a newly wed, even worse thought his wife was murdered, from the twins who was also holidaying there.

Miranda liked him too but left after knowing he had a wife. After eddie settled with laila, he illegally sneaked back to find miranda because laila burnt all his stuff at the resort. It was too late, she got married.

Somehow 18 months later, eddie was at the mexican resort again. Running his sports business there now and he met miranda again. She was single again but ..... eddie was married again. 7/10

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Hog's Breadth Cafe and 投名状

First time went to Hog's Breadth cafe. If you ever want to order the macho nacho as a side dish, make sure you have at least 4 persons. $12 and additional $3/$4 for chicken/beef. Damn huge portion, so after +++ ... about $20 for nachos. But I must say it was good, with the beef toppings, cheese, guacomoe, salsa and cream.

The main was not that fantastic. I got the tex mex combo which was really filling, couldn't finish it. You get a piece of sirloin steak, choice of chicken or beef "popiah", some rice and salad. The steak was quite juicy though abit tough, dun like the popiah, it was a huge wrap with chicken fillings in inside. The skin was slightly sweet.

A small area provide some live music with someone belting out oldies with a guitar, but it was over powered by a group of about 10 people sitting beside the podium whom were laughing like no tomorrow. Sounds more like 苦中作乐 or they just been release from some sort of extreme unhappiness.

Anyway, probably can come back again but won't be the first choice.

投名状 comes next ....

Quite a stir before the movie was shown as 陈可辛 was known for his romantic love movies, his first foray into a war epic brought some 指指点点.

But with superstars on its cast, a certain expectation was hanging in the air.

Any movie with brothers definitely doesn't bore good relationship between them throughout. Confirm will 反目成仇, buay song, influenced by external factors, women, etc.

The battle scenes was quite good though not alot. 千军万马, 刀刀见肉, 血肉模糊, 枪林弹火. Jet li takes the lead in the movie as a general whose troops were all killed after he kena "put pigeon" by his so called ally. He faked death so as not to die, this quite contradict with his death defying heroic actions in his next few battles.

He lived to meet a woman, who was the wife of Andy Lau which will be his soon to be 结拜兄弟. He did not know at first. He met Takeshi who was narrating throughout, felt his voice was so out of place in a epic period drama. Takeshi was giving food out and getting people to join his bandits gang.

Jet Li tagged along and saved Andy and Takeshi in its raid of army ration. But it didn't last long as the army raided their camp and got everything back. Jet li then spurred them on and asked to join the Qing army. So as to believe Jet, they made a 投名状. Some bo liao pact that say you need to kill someone who showed the world you steady pom pi pi with the ones you pact with.

So they joined the Qing army. It wasn't easy at all. It was hard fight throughout as the so called 大人 was playing him along but as Jet was not average person. He captured every city as promised.

Then came 苏州 which he attacked without their permission. A year into the battle, without food and amunnitions. Jet Li went back and begged the 大人 but was rejected. Desperate, he made a pact with his 死对头 general. During his short away, Andy went into 苏州 city with ease, because the general was prepared to surrender on the count that the soldiers and people was spared. He died under Andy's sword.

This was the beginning of the buay song ...

Jet li need to kill the 4000 苏州 soldiers, they have no food for them and need to set off to attacked 南京. But Andy already agreed to spare them, he was dragged away and chained up as the soldiers was arrowed to death.

徐静蕾 was the vase between Andy and Jet Li. But her feelings for Andy probably was just gratefulness and to Jet Li, probably was 一见钟情 and somehow just fell head over heels for him.

Anyway, for a "Long zhong si ka liao" movie, she died in the movie because Takeshi "Kei Gaoi", went to kill her thinking that she was the reason why Jet wanted to kill Andy. Everyone died in the end whom are just pawns to the Qing government.

Andy, the one who died the most KT. He was tricked in going to a place believing that Jet was in trouble but was arrowed to death. And didn't know his wife gave him a big 绿帽 even at his death. Sigh ...

Jet Li was somone who was prepared to sacrifice anyone, but maybe still true to the certain extent that he will protect 老百姓, but if you are a soldier, you must prepared to die. But his ruthlessness, tactless and clueless in playing the political game was evident at the end of the movie. 7/10

Monday, December 10, 2007

Bus 291

It has been years since I took bus 291. Even before I bought my car in March, if I was out, my friend would ferried me back or I would just walked back. Still nothing much in my new job, so went back around 6 pm.

Being so near my house, I only droved and parked at Tampines Stadium about 2 to 3 days a week, only when I will be going out after work.

It was a day of sAmE rain, simply too SaMe. I went down at Tampines Plaza, was just crossing the minor road to Telepark .... then the rain just simply poured. It was really like a "switch" being turned on !!! Waited for about 10 mins ... sort of toned down a bit bit.

Decided just to dash across to the interchange ..... Quite wet. Anyway, got home. This saMe rain also foiled my plans of running today. But at least will be cooling to zzzZzzzZZzz at night :)

Sunday, December 02, 2007

30 Days

Slept at 4 am for 2 consecutive nights. Got a job activity at Saturday midnight and it went well. Got home about 3 am and somehow still quite awake. So made myself a hot chocolate and watched episode 6 of 奸人坚. This TVB series quite funny at times, slapstick period drama revolving round this 奸人坚 character and 黄飞鸿.

Went to zzzz about 4 am and woke up at 11 am. Caught 30 days in between lunch and my car wash. Eben played by Josh Harnett, a sheriff at some town at northen Alaska where the weather is freaking cold. And there is a 1 month period where there is no sun. So the fun begins when darkness sets in.

Blood thirsty vampires from don't know where started ripping people apart. The movie started slow but gets into main theme when it gets nearer to sunset.

The sun sets ... so it all boils down to hiding and staying alive for 30 days. But as days goes by, not much people are alive and the evil force is getting stronger.

And how do you fight with vampires ?

To save his wife, Eben turned himself into one of them.

And somehow killed the so called 老大. And the rest of the vampires looked stunned and left.

So he saved his wife and whoever that was left. When sunrises, Eben burnt.
Nothing like Underworld but still watchable. 6/10.

Cinema was quite empty and freezing "like alaska" !

Then I went to get my hair gel, hersey cocoa and some breadtalk for tomorrow breakie. On the way home, was still thinking whether to wash my car or not. It was in between dirty and lazy .... Haiz

The multi storey carpark bay was full so bo bian has to bring down water from home. I did a quick wash with water and it looked clean after that. Feels better ... Hee

Still some time before dinner, so went for a run. The wash seems to drain me out ... slow one but still managed to do a last 300 m dash. Feels good after the run.

Made my way home. Showered and had dinner ... Watching P2, a thriller as I am blogging now. Spurs vs Birmingham .. Coming up at midnight. Hope I can be awake. Ramos, unbeaten in the first 6 matches in his helm, looks good for another win.

A new week awaits ...