Macau/Hong Kong - 2nd Nov to 7th Nov
I am back ! To reality ...
6d/5n in Macau and Hong Kong. sAmE, Tnoid, 血盆 and myself took the 6 am flight to Macau on 2nd Nov.
The other timing was a 3+ pm flight, so this was the obvious choice.
There are no free meals on budget airlines though they do sell "extremely reasonable price" food and beverage items on board.
It was explicitly stated on their "Tiger Tales" magazine ... Kaoz ... $3 for a 3 in 1 milo or $4 for a cup noodles are "extremely reasonable price" ?So we took damn really breakfast at T2 Mac at 4 am. SaMe and Tnoid at the budget terminal.
They do sell food there, so not as "惨败" as we thought.
We reached Macau about 9:45 am and reached our hotel about 10:30 am. MetroPark, Macau was about 15 mins away from the airport.
Extra charges per luggage to be put in the boot of the cab, it is normal.
Day 1
Walked to St Paul Ruins
Head to Senado Square
Lunch at Wong Chi Kei
Desserts at Yee Shun Milk Company
Shop at Senado Square for cookies/pastries, etc
Back to Hotel, Checked in
Head to ColoaneDine at Fernandos
Gambled at Wynn
Supper at 鼎太丰
Back to Hotel. Rest
Day 2
Buffet breakie at Hotel
Walked to Guan Yin Statue
Cab to Macau Tower
Lunch at Solmar
Massage at 大富豪
Cab to Venetian
Dine at Mcsorley Pub
Watched Arsenal v Man U
Back to Hotel. Rest
Day 3
Kopi at hotel
Cab to Ferry terminal
Reached Hong Kong about 10 am
Yum Cha at Chao Inn Restaurant at 1 Peking Road
Walked to TST Avenue of Stars
Walked to TST MTR. Head to Causeway Bay
T break at Krispy Kreme
Times Squares. KLKK along the closed streets
Head to 王大仙 temple
Head to MongKok. KLKK along the closed streets
KLKK 女人街 market, 钵篮街
Street snacks 臭豆腐
Dine at Chao Inn, MongKok. 大闸蟹
MTR to Central. Walked to The Peak Tram Station
Tram up the Peak. KLKK
Cab to 篮桂坊. KLKK
Cab to 24 hour ferry at 上环R
eached Macau about 12+
Supper at 滋味满屋
Back to Hotel. Rest
Day 4
Buffet Breakie at Hotel
Head to Fisherman Wharf. KLKK
Gambled at Babylon Casino
Late Lunch at 大利来记 road side cafe at Taipa
Cab to Sands. Gambled
Cab to Greyhound Racing
Back to Hotel. Rest
Day 5
Buffet Breakie at Hotel
Free shuttle to Ferry Terminal
Ferry to Hong Kong, 上环
MTR to 湾仔Lunch at 永发茶餐厅
Walked to the reunification statue. KLKK
MTR to 铜罗湾. KLKK
Bought 恒香老婆饼
MTR to 中环. Head to the 中环 non-continous escalators
Dine at 墉记 restaurant
Bought my Nike Shox Saya+
MTR to 尖沙咀 for symphony of lights
Rest at Pacific Coffee
MTR to 上环
Ferry back to Macau
Reached Macau about 12+. Back to hotel. Rest
Day 6
Buffet Breakie at Hotel
Packed. Checked out
Lunch at 不夜天 cafe at Lisboa 2nd flr
Back to Hotel. Cab to Airport
Reached SG about 7:40 pm. HSH
I will post more stuff up soon. Details and pictures :)
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