Friday, October 05, 2007

The Recent Scam : Top 10 reasons why people kena conned !!

The recent phone scam made me wonder. Are they too smart or we are too stooopid ? I did receive 1 or 2 calls from china accent speaking people, claiming whatever whatever but did not mention any so called "lucky draw winner". Maybe I shoo them off beforethey can even entice me.

On 933 this morning, there is even one who was conned for $350,000.
68 kena alone in Sep.Goooonss ?!?!?

Anyway, the top 10 reasons why people kena conned are ............

10 You have fetish of listening to china accent speaking agents and will accede to whatever their request

9 You like to take calculated high risk ! Pay $2,000 of hoping that you will get $500,000

8 You love fairy tales and still very much believes them

7 You love the media fame even when losing a few K doesn't matter

6 You have a mensa IQ of -500

5 You are in some desperate shit situation of needing some big amount of quick money and desperate enough to give it a shot

4 You need to physically look at a person to analyze whether they are telling a lie or not

3 You are some retired ah pek or ah um who have loads of withdrawn CPFs to spare

2 They are so convincing that if they say George Bush is Osama, you will believe !!!

And the number one reason why people kena conned is ....

1 You are simply a Goon Doo !!

Basically, there are no free lunch. Even there is/are ... deep thought .. Do you think it will be you ?

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