Sunday, October 28, 2007

Antioxidant Scan

Pharmanex came to our company. They have this scanner which can so called detect the antioxidant level in one's body. It gives you an immediate reading of the carotenoid antioxidant levels in your skin which is the skin carotenoid score.

Antioxidants can cancel out the cell-damaging effects of free radicals and people who eat fruits and vegetables rich in polyphenols and anthocyanins have a lower risk of cancer, heart disease and some neurological diseases

Mine is 21,000 :(

One must be in the region of 50,000 to be considered healthy. If this machine is really scientifically and medically proven, I doubt most people will get the healthy score. They claim they have scanned a Singaporean with 130,000, this person probably is a 植物人.

According to them, factors that affect your antioxidant level :

Avoid deep fried stuff, meaty food. 5-6 servings of fruits and vege daily.

zzzzz before 11

To me, this is a bad catalyst for almost everything

Regular excercise weekly.

From the above, probably conclude why I am at the 21,000 region. Being a typical Singaporean, except stress, I am not doing enough for the other 3 factors :(

Shucks ... Looks like I need to do much more if I am to collect my CPF !!

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