Monday, September 25, 2006

Another way to start Monday

Gloomy monday with a gloomy sky, started pouring when I reached downstairs and have no choice but to go up and grab an umbrella. The bus came in a short while and not much people, considering morning rush hour. Smooth ride till the interchange, but there are buses queuing for passengers to alight. It was a heavy drizzle so usually the bus driver will stopped at the sheltered area to allow passenger to alight, but somehow there is this bus which took longer than usual. And somehow people were already standing up crowding the entrance to get ready to zoom out.

Then came ...........

A voice at a pitch comparable to opera singing ........

"Why so long don't open the door ?"
*And some words which I did not catch properly*
"You want me to call police is it ?"

The bus driver LL, opened the door, but people will need to walk 2 or 3 metres to the sheltered area.

Pity the bus driver .... kena "slam" for nothing
Why is that wait worth the ranting ? Sing ka por lian lor .... like that wan lah

Not sure if that woman is in hurry but if you are in a hurry, jolly well be prepared to plan and buffer in time to get to your damn place.

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