Wednesday, December 31, 2008

十二月三十一日, 星期三, 晴

二零零八年的最后一天, 大多数人都应该希望今年快点过去, 总的来说, this is not a good year. But before whoever decided to divide time into years, months and days, it probably doesn't matter.

This 2008 shouldn't be that bad if you ....

didn't down all or most of your $ into any minibonds. People started to question when their investments went sour, where most people won't get any $ back. Years back, how many will bet their last dollar that Lehman Brothers will go bankrupt ?

didn't lose all or most of your $ in stock market. The STI is down almost 50% from 2007, worst year on record.

are an iPhone craze. Singtel sells iPhone 3G officially in Singapore, response has been very well.

like the series "Prison Break". It happened in reality in Singapore, minus the complexity in getting out, seemingly MS just walked out or limped out ... to be exact.

are a supporter of Obama, who won the presidency elections of United States. Loads of shit waiting for him, one of this to-do is to close down Guantamono Bay, sources say he will turn it into a bank, that will make it easy to "close down".

or anyone close to you wasn't in Mumbai during the terriorist attack. Something unfortunate, especially for those who lost loved ones. Post-attack reports evidently shows it could be much better dealt with ... not to slam the Ls ... but ... giving benefit of the doubt of the reports.

like Michael Phelps, he won record 8 gold medals. Sources say they are creating more events so that he can win more, like "195.5 metes butterfly".

still have a job. Economies throughout the world are in recession. Singapore didn't escape, finger crossed that we do not get anymore shocking news in 2009.

are a soccer fan that supports Spain. They won the European Cup but can't deny seems that other traditionally strong teams are getting weaker.

are a movie fan. I watched 47 movies this year. Hmmmm ... that many. Some really good ones were Harold and Kumar, Ironman, Kungfu Panda, Don't mess with Zohan, Tropic Thunder, Dark Knight, etc.

are not a die hard fan of "Made in China" food. In 2008, the victims were babies. Six Chinese infants died from kidney failure, while close to 300,000 were hospitalized. One company apologized on Sept. 15, but melamine was an open-secret ingredient in the Chinese food industry, and the panic went global because of the ubiquity of Chinese food exports. Melamine has since been found in animal feed and eggs, and even sex toys.

you didn't know ... Mother nature took away lives of people, close to 187,000 in Burma due to Cyclone and 89,000 in Sichuan as earthquake struck.

you didn't change your car into CNG. Oil price rocketed up so much that I though I can quit my job and start to think of a way to extract the oil from my face. But then ... it came all the way back down ... High of USD 147 to current USD 38.

you believed you have achieved any of your 2008 resolutions :)

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