Quantum of Solace
This is actually a sequel to the previous Bond movie, as the story unfolds with more answers provided to all the question marks. The last movie was the beginning of a new era, no more Bond flying off an aeroplane and yet his hair was still nicely gel. But more important, nowadays Bond do bleed and any moment could be dead.
The last one started off seeing Bond in a mid-air chasing scene which could put Spiderman to shame. This time round, a high speed car chase in his Aston ... which seemingly was continued from the last scene of the last movie. Bond got Mr White and brought him to see M, but it got all wrong as M's able bodyguard was actually a traitor, White got away before telling that Mi6 do not know the complexity and powerfulness of this mysterious organization. Then Bond set off in another quite nicely choreographed chasing cum fighting scene, though he couldn't catch him alive.Mi6 int somehow linked this to a bank account in Haiti and Bond was on his way. And this led to him meeting up with "Bond" girl, Camille, a girl with her own agenda.
But also allowed Bond to found this guy, Dominic Greene, a ruthless businessman within this mysterious organization.
Thus Bond went from Austria, Italy and South America to unravel their plot and stopped them.
Greene's plan was to overthrow existing regime in Bolivia and allowed exiled General Medrano to take over, the reward will be for a piece of barren land ... Even the "KTs" know won't be that simple ? Bond found that it was not oil or diamond on this land, it was water.
With their connections, somehow Greene did get things going and bribed Bolivia's Chief of Police.
G Medrano finally found out, when Greene let him signed an agreement that he will buy water from him at double the price, which he had no choice but to sign.
It all ended at building in the desert where they were signing the papers, Bond and Camille simply crashed the party. Camille got her revenge on Medrano whom murdered her whole family. Bond got Greene and made him tell him everything, which was not reveal what was told.
So another sequel probably on the cards. 8/10
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