Thursday, September 20, 2007

才华横溢出新闻 !!! 万子见高层 !!!

Mediacorp's attempt to revive the previous popular StarSearch may have hit a hitch. Read in today's 联合早报's entertainment's front page. All the wierd actions by 评审万梓良 was reported in it.

This 才华横溢出新秀 was revamped and its format now based on the popular weekly elimination method. The so called stringently selected participants from TW, CN, MSIA and SG have their own Mediacorp artiste's as mentor.

I did not really follow the starsearch but when i do watched some parts, the only funny thing i notice was the comments 万梓良 gave was simply 'Wu Kong Kana Bo Kong. Buey Hiao Mai Kong". 万梓良, never give me the impression that speaking fluently and eloquently in Mandarin was his forte but still ... to TCSS ... is abit unfathomable worr

But now with the report out, looks like there are more than meets the eye. The part about he went to backstage and talked to 郭亮 and 权仪风 but simply 出言不逊. Asking them since they known each other for so long, they must be having an affair ....

权仪风 known for her hot words in the media in the past, was definitely 不爽. I meant, it was definitely not nice comments and she is a married woman somemore. She had no choice but to 顾全大局 first, but then how long can she 忍忍忍. We have to see !

There was another point saying during the "Live' broadcast of one episode, Mr Can'tTalk&Senile took out his "quite big' camera and started playing with it in his seat.

I meant, he might have won a 金马奖 but that was almost 20 yrs ago leh. Was reported that he quoted this outloud at the backstage during the live show as he expected someone to lead him to another area at the backstage.

Think Mediacorp must seriously consider who they bring in as a 评审 next time. Maybe 粱朝伟won't be interested or even free but there are still a handful of artiste out there who can be a 评审 what. With the right money and persuasion, might not be a problem at all.

Anyway he might be changed.

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