Saturday, September 08, 2007

九月八号, 星期六, 晴

A Saturday that I wasn't out, at least till now. Woke up around 9, could not sleep anymore. Washed up, dily daly, watched a movie called 单身部落. Then I went out for dim sim with my parents and brother.

Actually, I could not find any use for the $40 capitaland vouchers that I redeem using my starhub points so might as well "eat it off". We were early at Crystal Jade at Tampines Mall. Crystal Jade served some quite good dim sum.

As it gets around 11+, more and more people trickled in. It was like 99.9999999999% full house.

Our orders came quite promptly. 虾饺 烧卖 叉烧包 叉烧酥 奶皇包 腐皮卷 酥炸芋角 萝卜糕 马蹄糕 糯米鸡 猪肝肉丸粥 鸡鸭粥 *They have a nicer name for this

It was good stuff !

After the full brunch, went to NTUC to get Ben & Jerry !!! 2 for $18,75 !!! Offer but still expensive. Seems like I am addicted to Ben & Jerry or Haagen Daaz in recent months. Though I do have it outside if I am near their outlets but usually never buy the tubs version and enjoy it at home :)

Got home. Finished off 单身部落. Some B-grade HK movie about the love life of 3 girls.

Then ...

I took a power nap. Think from 3 to 6 pm. Shoik ! Somehow slightly more lack of sleep this week.

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