Monday, July 16, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix

Not a fan of the potter series of movies and after watching the latest, it didn't change a bit. Maybe just not my kind of movie, but still watchable.

Numerous part of the movie are slow, depicting how potter is having nightmares and premonitions which was caused by Baddie Voldemort.
Using his powers, he wants to mentally and physically control potter. Amid all his troubles, he did manage to steal a kiss from katie after several 眉来眼去 ....
And also how the minister trying ways to get dumbledore and hogwarts out of his way, as he is paranoid that dumbledore is getting the order of pheonix ready but using return of the baddie Voldemort as a excuse.

And also, on and off, we were ready ... like got a cue ... that a battle is going to begin. But then only till the end, we get to see a CGI feast when baddie Voldemort battled Dumbledore.

With the books series ending and the hint from the crystal ball that, only either one will lives, potter or voldemort, it will be more CGI feast coming up in the next instalment. 6/10

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