Saturday, September 13, 2008

Step Brothers

Blockbuster months are over. Another mindless slapstick movie about 2 游手好闲 无所事事adults still staying with their parents. It seems still okay if their parents are okay with that, but problems starts when Dad of Dale married Mum of Brendan.

Will Farrell is Brendan and John C Reiley is Dale.

Both are very unhappy about their parents getting married. More unhappy when each got a new step brother.

Each with their own eccentricity, outright laziness, the most outrageous childish behaviour, etc. The fun part starts when lines filled with sacarcism, 人生攻击, sexual innuendos, kill threats, "dare you" challenge began rolling.

So Brendan and Mum moved in, Dale has a room where he drums which he sweared he would kill Brendan if he touches them. Well, he just need to touch them, more than that, Dale founds out, confronted Brendan which pissed him off and he explicitly put his "LP", nuts, balls, testicles, on his drum sets !!! This one quite hiong :)

Their feud starts to cool down abit when Dale punched Derrick, Brendan's bro, a total asshole, which both of them hated him. Then both of them started to know about each other's common interest, like the best non-sexual magazine to masturbate with is "HouseKeeping", etc.

Derrick offer to sell the house and let Dale's dad and Brendan's mum sail in their boat which is their dream. And this would mean both the "adults" has to find work and moved into their own apartments, this is implied armaggeden to them. With their interviews failing, the scenes though quite funny. They decided they need to do something big.

They did up some preso and a music video. The best part is they finally show some enthusiam in doing something but they screwed up Dale's dad boat. This pissed off dad and things starts falling apart, finally dad and mum divorced. So both really got a reality hit and started to try to become adults and get some real work. And they did quite well. So all's well end's well. Stupid show with enough laughs for a .... 7/10.

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