Adapted from 聊斋志议, so storyline within expectation. Guy saved a girl but actually was a fox spirit. His wife suspected and becomes more obvious when people started to die in town, with their hearts taken out. Guy and resst defended girl but seemingly still vouch his love for his wife. Then with her so called ka kia, a chameleon spirit and another so called demon catcher, also must mention so called martial expert ... is 画皮.
There aren't elaborate battle and fighting scenes. Real life martial art expert, Donnie Yen is 庞勇, also a kung fu expert and also try to be 周星驰 with several slapsticks one liners and action. The rooftop chasing scene between 庞勇 and 飞天蜥蜴 by 戚玉武 was quite nicely cheoreographed. But the main "fighting" was between fox spirit 小唯 by 周迅 and 佩蓉 by 赵薇. 小唯 was nice and was popular with the group of soldiers and commander 王生 by 陈坤.
庞勇 and 降魔者 夏冰 by 孙俪 attempts to tell everyone 小唯 was a evil spirit failed. But when 小唯 told 王生, she really loved him, wanted to be his 2nd wife but was rejected. She plotted for another plan as more people died so that she can eat their hearts to prolong her skin.And that will be forcing 佩蓉 to drink some poison that transformed her into some white hair albino demon with blood dripping from her eyes.
So is like most people KT enough will believe the wife was the actual evil demon, 庞勇 saved her from the riotic soldiers and town people.
王生 had no choice and led his men, then so called painstakingly and bo bian stabbed 佩蓉 to death. Immediately, 庞勇 swung his sabre right into 小唯's left shoulder but she continued to stand there, this shocked everyone.
小唯 regretted her action when 王生 died in front of her, begging her to revive 佩蓉. But 飞天蜥蜴 had other plans, took away the don't know what life elixir which 小唯 spitted out. Anyway, all's well end's well.
Some moments were abit slow, was like it was building up the animosity between the women and the truth of she was a demon but nobody believed her. Some die die attempted slapstick moments by Donnie Yen was something new. 6/10
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