Sunday, December 17, 2006


The trailer for Eragon had been playing for quite a while before the movie hit the screens. The trailer did not really provide a catalyst to watch the movie, somehow ...

It is a typical "Lord of the Rings" kind of movie but loses in all aspect. It is a story about dragons, where the land was ruled by dragons riders, peace and harmony was in place until a Galbartorix, dragon rider who betrayed the order, overtook and ruled the land.

For years, all believe dragons became extinct till Arya who took the dragon egg and hid it away from the chasing bad guys. And of course, Eragon found it while hunting, and though it was a rock blue in colour, took it home. Days gone by, it hatched, so it was an egg. Rule was the egg will only hatched when it is in the hands of its dragon rider.

Eragon bond with his dragon, Saphire. So the King ordered, Durza to killed both. Eragon's uncle was killed by the Razac, some ugly creatures sent by Durza to get the egg. With Brom's help, an ex-dragon rider, they escaped and travel to the Varden, a hidden league that was against Gilbartorix.

Eragon dreamt about Arya along the way, which was imprisoned by Durza. Durza lured him to save her, he did in the end but Brom got killed while saving Eragon.

In the end, they got to the Varden and Durza came with the Ugal army to try to kill them all. Of course they failed and he got killed by Eragon and Saphire.

Movie ends with Gilbartorix unvealing a dragon ... The novel has a sequel too.

Since the movie is adapted from the novel, maybe the novel just do not have the aspect to match "Lord of the Rings" or maybe shouldn't be comparing anyway.

Moment of the movie :
Maybe I can find it in the sequel.

5/10 for Eragon.

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