Monday, June 25, 2007

Above 35 ? No free drinks !!!

It was in yesterday's papers and this morning Class 95's topic. Ladies above 35 are not given free drinks on ladies night at SJ PS. Why would SJ PS incur wrath of such a age group of people ? Unless they are telling us that most of the female that came on ladies nights are above 35 ... which is not their targeted campaign group and this causes others which are "young and trendy" to be not able to come into the club ...

Or most probably just some pubilicity stunts ...

At some clubs, free drinks coupons are given based on how well dress and how good looking you are. This is nothing one can argue about, must admit that if you are good looking, you do get an edge in whatever you are doing. Or probably above average looking but with a X factor or some aura looming above you.

The tactic of ladies night is to attract guys to come and spend. And of course, the ladies who throng in for free drinks attracts guys to follow suit. So therotically, if ladies above 35 are in, and logically, those that are interested in them will be men in mid-30s to late 40s, and by now should have a considerable amount of spending power.

Maybe is an image issue of not giving them free drinks which deter them from coming or maybe some other hidden agenda or marketing gimmick.

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