G. I. Joe
Another cartoon turned movie and with tonnes of mayhem and chaos. Simply packed with action. Destro is the man behind MARS, Military Armament Research Syndicate, the main pa kia of the movie. He has the doctor, baroness, storm shadow and zartan helping him, so called they are Cobra. He developed some nanotechnology weapons that can destroy a city, like termites capable of eating through any substance. And he sold 4 warheads to NATO.
Duke and Ripcord from the US army were ordered to deliver the warheads but D had it planned, send Baroness to ambush them. Duke and his team simply no match for Cobra's attack. Duke recongnize B as her ex-fiance, then the GIJ came and saved them. The GIJ brought Duke and R back to their base and General Hawk explained who they are blah blah blah.Duke and R want in to the team so to know what happen to B. As they got familiar with the operations, training, weapones and tests. D send SS and B over to get the warheads and they did successfully. B got them weaponize and they head for Paris, planned to bring down the Eiffel Tower.
The GIJ tracked them and follow suit. Then what ensue was quite a mayhem chasing scene, sending adrenaline quite high. The GIJ didn't manage to stop B to launch the missle but Duke manage to hit the kill switch, thus terminating the damage. Doing so, he got captured and went back to MARS base with SS and B. The Doctor seeing Duke, wanted to experiment on him and revealing who he was, actually was B's brother whom everyone though was dead. B couldn't see Duke dead, saved him but the doctor almost killed his own sister. Duke managed to save B. Meanwhile the GIJ arrvied but was too late as D launched 3 missiles. Snakes Eyes managed to intersect one while R give chase to the other 2 targetting Russia and Washington in some plane.
With the missle aiming at DC, the president was ushered into some bunker which someone appeared and killed the 2 bodyguards. Back at the MARS HQ, SE took care of SS, to avenge for his master. Eventually, R terminate the missles and Duke brought B to safety. The doctor dragging the injured D into some submarine then injected something into him. Then wear some mask on his own face ... and that he became the "Cobra Commander", paving way for the Sequel. 7/10
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