Friday Dinner@Restoran SPOA
To get to this damn place took us 4 hours, at least for me coz I was picked up first. This seafood eating place is far but won't take 4 hours ...
but bad traffic and continous horlan. And of course how the K*s do up their roads and signs definitely aid in that.
How beautiful can it get ? You get 6,452,567,153 road names in a single sign so when you drive towards a direction ... we get a chance to analyze and try out another 5,726,167,333 permutations to other places.
And must mention are those f* tress with dangling branches and hairy potter leaves which nicely blocked the signs to increase the level of the identifying to turn left, go straight, go up the ramp, turn right or just stopped and think. Don't underestimate how the K*s thinks.To get to here, one had to head towards Kota Tinggi. Then correctly divert to route 17 heading towards Pasir Gudang, this route is quite long, should take you at least 20 mins. Then you have to turn right into this Puteri Golf Resort, there is some post after you turn in. Then you have to drive along outside of this resort, all the way in till you start to realize you are at the entrance of some forestation/jungle/plantation whatever you want to call it. Follow the sign board ... "Restoran of the don't know what Orang Asli", after that is all 4WD road ahead, about 5 mins then you will get there, opens till 1130 pm. Think we got there about 1040 pm.
About time to eat somthing, you choose from their tanks of seafood. After the guy mumble out the items and how they can be cooked ... and not all we can understand. We decided ... 港式石班, 胡椒螃蟹, 马来风光, 麦片海虾, 辣椒大头, 银鱼炒饭.
The kangkong is abit different from the usual ones. It has a soury taste, it could be assam/lime/lemon that was added. This difference quite good, makes you want to have more. Should have order a bigger one.
We wanted to try to huge cockles they have and the uncle recommended to eat it some style close to raw or something. Any logical thinking is better not, it will increase the chances of LS on the way back. The tua tou is normal, nothing to brag about. But if you want shell items, definitely can order.
The picture doesn't really makes you think the crab is good. Maybe the below one will. The pepper style is just right the right dryness and sauciness. And the sauce gives you a quite strong peppery after taste, just the right oohm. Just hope the crabs can be bigger but fresh enough.
The problem with the prawns are simply too much. I ate 10 over myself, they are medium size and it doesn't look that crispy but when you bite through it, you can just drop the whole thing in your mouth. Dip into their balajiam chili which just has the right kick, not too spicy, makes it even better.
It was like some 天涯海角 away meal, view wise nothing much. Being some kind of fishing village, feels relaxed and also maybe we are the only one there eating and with the breeze blowing, makes you want to stay here and get away from those daily things you do which sometimes you feel simply helpless. The bill was $231 K*$ ... very cheap considered Singapore standard. Take away the drinks, it was only $200, about $80 SGD for 4 pax.
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