Friday, April 10, 2009

Fast and Furious

Couldn't get the $6 tickets at FilmGarde Iluma, should have bought last night and "ps" my friend. Not many movie can goes into sequel, prequel and in-between quel. The F&F series is one of them and has a box office performance of about $700++ millions. Action movie always a favourite and seeing "beef cake and great looking guys, switching gear as fast as superman changed into his underwear and brake, clutch, accelerate like they have 3 feets" seems quite a draw.

This instalment is somewhere between 2 and 3. Toretto is wanted after several hijack of fuel tanks in dominican republic, so he decided to quit. His crew, Han went off to Japan to "film Tokyo Drift". And he left his gf Letty, not wanting to be caught. Then after some time, his sister called him and told him, she is dead. He flew back to LA, of course to avenge her. He went back to the scene where her car met an accident and he seems to "Ki Tung' .. everything that happened, flashed past him.

Brian, now a FBI agent, aiming to bring in some drug lord, Braga which they have no clues about. But his latest info brought Toretto and him together, they enter a race, the winner will be able to be the "drivers" for braga. Toretto won but brian also got to be the "driver" as he made one of the existing driver unavailable. So they got their first job, 5 cars lightning speed across the border to Mexico, avoiding authorities detection, into a mountain with a underground hidden tunnel route.

They reached but Toretto got other plans, he blew up the cars and one of the braga guys, Fenix admit he was the one that killed Letty. Brian and him were overpowered but manage to escape with the goods. With the goods, Brian wanted to get Braga, asking to deal in person. But his FBI colleagues screwed up, got the wrong guy. But anyway, they did get the right man in the end and Toretto killed Fenix, with his car of course. 7/10

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