Saturday, November 25, 2006


This movie did not really met my expectation or maybe I was hoping it could be better in some ways. The story is about the kingdom of 趙 wants to invade the kingdom of 燕 and standing in between its way geographically is the tiny kingdom of 粱.

So general 巷 of the kingdom of 趙 lead an army of 100,000 to capture the kingdom of 粱 which has only 4000. The exponential difference is essential to create how miraculously the result of successfully defended the kingdom of 粱 from the invasion.

So the king of 粱 asked help from the family of 墨 who are experts in defending kingdoms, but the family of 墨 refused. But an unknown from the family of 墨 came along, 革離, protrayed by Andy Lau, offered to help.

From the face of the king of 粱, we can see he is the kind of knn nbcb king, 無能, 昏君, 獨裁, 心胸狹窄, relish the power he is having.

趙's spearheading army came and wanted to take down the kingdom of 粱, but was cleverly "counter attack" by 革離. His slightly "tweaked" arrow almost killed the opposing general which scare them away. With this, 革離 offered to defend 粱 if he was given the command of the army. The knn nbcd king has no choice to agree.

革離 already has a set of plans on how to defend 粱 .....

Built a bulwark in 7 days
Find other source of water
Stock up food and ration them
Leave a weakness in the defence to lure the enemy

General 巷 was no push over as well but everytime it was well dealt with by 革離's tactics. Even when General 巷 had their slaves which are the "ultimate human underground excavators" to digged underground tunnels into the kingdom of 粱. 革離 knew what he will do and ambushed them.

As days goes by and kingdom of 粱 still intact, well defended. 革離 became well liked by the people and this was a threat to the knn nbcb king, who started to narrrow his already 心胸狹窄的心. And knewing that General 巷 retreated their army back to 趙 to defend their own kingdom, the knn nbcb king took steps to kill 革離 which is what he is best at.

In no time, 革離 was cornered but with the help of the prince, the knn nbcb king's son. 革離 managed to escape by helding the prince as hostage. The prince liked and admired 革離. But in the process, the prince was arrowed to death by General Moo Moo. *Moo Moo as in 牛

But then General 巷 didn't retreat all, he stayed behind with 1000 troops, preparing to deal a final attack to the kingdom of 粱. Basically, he cannot accept the defeats again and again by 革離, he need to defeat him personally.

With 革離 not in kingdom of 粱 anymore, General 巷 captured 粱 with ease. General Moo Moo was no match for him. But it was not 粱 that he wanted, he wants 革離. Therefore he threathen him to come to 粱, if not he will killed all the 老百姓.

革離 who cherishes people's lives and live by his 兼愛 非攻's principle, of course will go and meet General 巷. But 革離 was also prepared, with the help of a nigger who he saved and a team of kingdom of 粱's 弓箭手, he arrived with a plan.

General 巷 was again defeated by 革離 and this time round he accepted defeat. He prepared to stay and died but asked his troops to retreat.

The knn nbcb king retain his kingdom and throne for the time being but was overthrown by the people years later.

Moment of the movie :

It was when 革離 went to save his love, 逸悅, protrayed by 范冰冰, frantically finding her in the dungeon after kingdom was flushed with water. She could not swim and was muted by the knn nbcb king, so she could not respond to 革離's shoutings. By the time he found her, she has already drowned. *This scene was the first time he saved her, she survived that time


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