Can't remember when did I watch a weekday movie after work ?!?!?!? But caught one today ... Somehow below expectations. About 90 mins and it somehow simply wasn't action packed even with its teleportation theme.
David re-discover his jumping abilities after he fell into a frozen lake while picking up a crystal ball supposing to be a gift for Millie, his love. While trying not to be drown, he found himself at a library few moments later. Still wet ....
With this re-discovery, he decided to leave his father whom he didn't have a good relationship with. So officially, he becomes a jumper. For him, he jumps into banks and jumps out with $$$, and spends his time of a day at any part of the world.Then came along white-haired Roland who supposedly is a paladin from a group of people who kill jumpers. Not sure why they are doing this and who are paying them to do this. They used weapons and techie stuff which not really are "James Bond" calibre.
But are still adequate to handle an average jumper.
Never mention of how this jumping thing really worked though. Only terms like jump scars, jump sites, jumper, etc are heard.
Somehow it took them 8 years to find David, whom got caught back in his apartment by Roland after he picked up and did it with some hot chick in London. He almost got caught but still manage to jump out of captive.
Then he decided to go and find his love, Millie, after 8 years. Still manage to get her to go to Rome with him by air though, not jump. He met another jumper, Griffin there while escaping from more Paladins. In between of trying to get Griffin to partner with him to get rid of Roland and somehow trying to hide from Millie, his power and bank-jumping acts, Roland killed his father.
In the end, they didn't really "Rush Hour" as Millie was caught and Griffin will sacrifice her to kill Roland. David manage to stop Griffin and saved Millie. The anti-jumper equipments didn't really worked as David's power managed to jump out of them.
Looks like a sequel could be in the pipeline. But they sure need more work on it. There are parts that I really hope to jump out of the cinema :) 6/10
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