The reviews for this Jack Neo movie wasn't that good. After watching it, seems like I can better understand ... was it that bad ? And it was also like we are running out of good local themes or just that only this CNY, they ran out of ideas. Loan sharks are quite commonly known, maybe not to many in real life but in local dramas or TVB series or HK movies, they are common characters.
Other than the on and off laughter, the story was brought to KTsia, plot was typical, Lee's narration becomes irritating after a while, story dragsssss after halfway mark, same old jokes and lines, etc. Lee protray of the sissy KTsian was key and the soul of the movie, with its physical actions and KTsia accent, quite funny at times.Usually, in Neo's movies, the songs were quite melodic but in this movie, disappointing.
It even re-used one of the old song. Though there are more MTVs like scenes where songs are belted out with dance segments, lost its interest as the songs aren't that catchy.
And also seems like only Fann can be used in local Neo's movies, not sure if it is really that she can really draws the crowd ? Or simply for a local female lead, there are simply too little choices.
Laozhabor and the L security guard from his last movie appear out of no where, other than the minor surprise it gave at that moment, it doesn't add any more laughs.
It really gets quite boring in the end when it seems the story isn't going anywhere. Settling the triad feud at a back alley soccer match with durians ended with police raiding them. And Fann and Lee were on the run, ended knowing it was the retired 老大 who 勾结 with the 青龙帮 boss.
But they all ended caught by a group of kids who were victims of the cruel treatment from the loan sharks. Then finally, they were caught by the police and was jailed.
And you thought it ended ! Still lingering one more scene as Fann was released and Lee waiting for her. Then brought her to don't know what place where the so called 兄弟 were waiting in shirts and ties ... cheering for her. Then finally it ended ! 6/10
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