风到这里就是粘 粘住过客的思念
雨到了这里缠成线 缠着我们流连人世间
你在身边就是缘 缘份写在三生石上面
爱有万分之一甜 宁愿我就葬在这一天
圈圈圆圆圈圈 天天年年天天的我
深深看你的脸 想起的温柔
不懂爱恨情愁颠倒的我们 都以为相爱就像风云的善变
相信那一天抵过永远 在这一刹那冻结那时间
不懂怎么表现温柔的我们 还以为殉情只是古老的传言
你走得有多痛痛有多浓 当梦被埋在江南烟雨中
风到这里就是粘 粘住过客的思念
雨到了这里缠成线 缠着我们流连人世间
你在身边就是缘 缘份写在三生石上面
爱有万分之一甜 宁愿我就葬在这一天
圈圈圆圆圈圈 天天年年天天的我
深深看你的脸 想起的温柔
不懂爱恨情愁颠倒的我们 都以为相爱就像风云的善变
相信那一天抵过永远 在这一刹那冻结那时间
不懂怎么表现温柔的我们 还以为殉情只是古老的传言
你走得有多痛痛有多浓 当梦被埋在江南烟雨中
Posted by 国荣 at 10:04 PM 0 comments
Can't remember when did I watch a weekday movie after work ?!?!?!? But caught one today ... Somehow below expectations. About 90 mins and it somehow simply wasn't action packed even with its teleportation theme.
David re-discover his jumping abilities after he fell into a frozen lake while picking up a crystal ball supposing to be a gift for Millie, his love. While trying not to be drown, he found himself at a library few moments later. Still wet ....
With this re-discovery, he decided to leave his father whom he didn't have a good relationship with. So officially, he becomes a jumper. For him, he jumps into banks and jumps out with $$$, and spends his time of a day at any part of the world.Then came along white-haired Roland who supposedly is a paladin from a group of people who kill jumpers. Not sure why they are doing this and who are paying them to do this. They used weapons and techie stuff which not really are "James Bond" calibre.
But are still adequate to handle an average jumper.
Never mention of how this jumping thing really worked though. Only terms like jump scars, jump sites, jumper, etc are heard.
Somehow it took them 8 years to find David, whom got caught back in his apartment by Roland after he picked up and did it with some hot chick in London. He almost got caught but still manage to jump out of captive.
Then he decided to go and find his love, Millie, after 8 years. Still manage to get her to go to Rome with him by air though, not jump. He met another jumper, Griffin there while escaping from more Paladins. In between of trying to get Griffin to partner with him to get rid of Roland and somehow trying to hide from Millie, his power and bank-jumping acts, Roland killed his father.
In the end, they didn't really "Rush Hour" as Millie was caught and Griffin will sacrifice her to kill Roland. David manage to stop Griffin and saved Millie. The anti-jumper equipments didn't really worked as David's power managed to jump out of them.
Looks like a sequel could be in the pipeline. But they sure need more work on it. There are parts that I really hope to jump out of the cinema :) 6/10
Posted by 国荣 at 11:47 PM 0 comments
The reviews for this Jack Neo movie wasn't that good. After watching it, seems like I can better understand ... was it that bad ? And it was also like we are running out of good local themes or just that only this CNY, they ran out of ideas. Loan sharks are quite commonly known, maybe not to many in real life but in local dramas or TVB series or HK movies, they are common characters.
Other than the on and off laughter, the story was brought to KTsia, plot was typical, Lee's narration becomes irritating after a while, story dragsssss after halfway mark, same old jokes and lines, etc. Lee protray of the sissy KTsian was key and the soul of the movie, with its physical actions and KTsia accent, quite funny at times.Usually, in Neo's movies, the songs were quite melodic but in this movie, disappointing.
It even re-used one of the old song. Though there are more MTVs like scenes where songs are belted out with dance segments, lost its interest as the songs aren't that catchy.
And also seems like only Fann can be used in local Neo's movies, not sure if it is really that she can really draws the crowd ? Or simply for a local female lead, there are simply too little choices.
Laozhabor and the L security guard from his last movie appear out of no where, other than the minor surprise it gave at that moment, it doesn't add any more laughs.
It really gets quite boring in the end when it seems the story isn't going anywhere. Settling the triad feud at a back alley soccer match with durians ended with police raiding them. And Fann and Lee were on the run, ended knowing it was the retired 老大 who 勾结 with the 青龙帮 boss.
But they all ended caught by a group of kids who were victims of the cruel treatment from the loan sharks. Then finally, they were caught by the police and was jailed.
And you thought it ended ! Still lingering one more scene as Fann was released and Lee waiting for her. Then brought her to don't know what place where the so called 兄弟 were waiting in shirts and ties ... cheering for her. Then finally it ended ! 6/10
Posted by 国荣 at 10:08 PM 0 comments
The year of the mouse squeaks off and already the 7th day. Managed to take a few days off and as usual it zipped past so quickly. It was like nothing much was done though I did enjoy sleeping till late but felt was there was still so much things left undone.
Went to the ice cream chef after dinner on sunday. Knew and read about it but just didn't know where actually it is. Coming from Katong, you need to turn right after St Pat. After turning right, turn right again into some car park, supposedly was some apartment carpark but barrier was lifted.
You can choose regular or large. Large then you get to choose 2 from the long list of flavours, alot of local ones like horlicks, ice milo, nutella, durian, etc. Then you choose your mix in like from another long list. I got what was recommended ... nutella and cookies & cream + hersey chips !! It was good ! But I think not mixing flavours probably can enjoy the original taste.
Posted by 国荣 at 9:12 PM 0 comments
A abandoned baby was send to a school to learn kungfu and later becomes a basketball superstar.
It is quite entertaining if one disregard the absurd storyline. It is a 朱延平 movie, so it is expected with those typical crap of taiwanese movie.
I must say the basketball scenes are quite well shot and with sleek moves in CGI style. There are a few one-on-one where JC went past opponents are really quite cool. Not sure if those are real, but quite impressive !
Here it goes ...
10 You are an avid basketball fan and go for anything that has basketball
9 You loved shaolin soccer ... so naturally would go for it
8 You are one of the few that thinks charlene is prettier of the Twins
7 You simply love kungfu movies
6 杰伦 ! 杰伦 ! 我永远支持你 !!!
5 You wanted something more hiong than NBA !
4 You simply cannot get enough of 乾坤大挪移 in 倚天屠龙记 !!
3 It is a long CNY break so you have spare time and angbao $$$ !
2 Do I have to repeat ? 杰伦 ! 杰伦 ! 我爱你 !!!
And the top reason why you must watch 功夫灌篮 is ...
1 You like 刘耕宏 !!! He "die die" will have a role in a JC movie !!! 7/10.
Posted by 国荣 at 12:14 AM 0 comments
I love Stephen Chow movies, simply of its ridiculous brand of humour. Sometimes it is there for no reasons, just to add some laughter. This CNY, CJ7 was highly anticipated. It was known to a sci-fi themed movie and as it gets nearer, an ET-alike plot was made known.
His last 2 movies was full of CG effects and this one continued its direction which costs about US $20 million to make.
Actually, plot or story wise for Chow movie doesn't really matters. It becomes evident in CJ7 as well. Though the main theme is the relationship of a sci-fi creature which looks like a dog and its owner, Chow and his little son, Dicky, the main playing ground is still in school where his son was studying.
Hideous females or male as female is a popular scene from Chow's movie. 如花 famous and known by any Chow's movie fan, actually is a male with long hair. This time round is a "jurassic park" girl student who was bullied by a boy gang. Dicky tries to save her though not of much help but in return she likes him in "big" proportion. Even better, she has a 1900-你 寂 寞 吗 ? kinda of voice .... Kaoz !
As the movie goes on, it tries to depict the relationship between father and son in a 无哩头 manner. Almost everything they used are picked up elsewhere, and he picked a greenish ball like thingie from rubbish dump for him to play after he wants to buy a robotic doggy badly.
Why CJ7 ? Apparently a robotic dog owned by a rich kid in school is called CJ1. So when dicky went to school with this greenish ball, he proudly named it CJ7. Then came the transformation, the ball turned into a doggy. And dicky dreamt that it is like somekind alien super doggy and can give him anything he wants. With MI3 kind specs that helped him cheat in exams, matrix style kung-fu fighting, all-in-one ultimate sports shoes, etc.
Thinking his dream was real, he brings CJ7 to school, wanting CJ7 to help him to score 100 at a test. Of course it didn't work, what he got was a pile of shit from CJ7, thinking that could help, he took the test with a pile of shit on his hand.If there is a school, there must be teachers. Kitty Zhang played the "vase" who is a caring teacher which helped Dicky to score 65 in a test. And somehow female teachers in this school wears tight fitting, body hugging, qi-pao at school, 不 fail 才怪 !!!
Things starts to looks good for Dicky, a new alien-doggy pet, helpful chiobu teacher, the boy gang made friends with him ... Though Chow was angry with him when he faked the marks for his test.
Then things got worse, Chow got himself in a chow-style accident at work and died in hospital. Dicky cannot accept the truth and broke down.
CJ7 with all its power revive Chow and Dicky was thrilled. All's well ends well. 8/10
Posted by 国荣 at 3:29 PM 0 comments