This movie surpassed the B grade expectation. It is 2017, where human don't leave their homes. They stayed in some kind of cocoon pod and remotely controlled their "surrogates" who lived their daily lifes. Since the human are safe at home, there are no pain and crimes but underneath the beautiful and handsome robotic bodies, not every human is happy. There are groups of human who still live by themselves, lead by "The Prophet", anti-surrogates.Bruce Willis is FBI agent Tom, he investiage the first murder in years. A student Jarod Canter was killed, the son of the founder of surrogate Dr Lionel Canter, former president of VSI, the company that invented and made surrogates. The problem here was killing a surrogate was not suppose to kill the human but this one did. And the guy also killed several cops.
Of course, not on his own, he was using some "black & decker" look like dust buster, that emits some kind of electro magnetic pulse or something.
As Tom try to find this guy, he speak to Dr Carter and found out he is using multiple surrogate but information he provided was not useful. He did track him down and almost killed when he blast the black & decker at his chopper but the human Tom managed to unplug in time. Then he chase him into human territory but before he can get this hand on the weapon, his surrogate was gun down by humans.
The guy was held captive by the Prophet and he took the weapon then killed the guy. Tom survived the blast and now living using his own body. As he was trying to make his wife understand and step out of her surrogate, his investigations lead no where. A tip by Dr Canter lead Tom to a more specific direction, the only possible organization that could build such a weapon, the Army. As he digged deeper, he found out his boss, Stone was involved. VSI made this weapon but project was cancelled due to it also killing the human. VSI paid Stone to use this weapon to kill Canter who was out to stop this surrogate revolution which he made himself.
Because the old Canter was using multiple surrogates, the guy mistakenly killed his son instead. Some twist in the end, the Prophet was also a surrogate by Canter and with the weapon in his hand, he planned to end everything but of course "Die Hard" saved the day. Abit short overall, not sure if the plot could be more complex and intriguing. 7/10
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