Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen
Life gave the movie 1/2 a star, out of 5 stars. Not among the best but definitely worth watching in the cinema. Probably the guy only likes smurfs, my little pony or care bear. The movie continue 2 years after the prequel ended, Optimus leading his autobots in stopping the decepticons as usual but now working with the humans, in a team called NEST. There are some new autobots, Arcee, she transformed into 3 motorcycles, SideSwipe, a chervolet corvette which skids around as wheels are his feets, and Jolt, another chervolet. Of course, there is also the twins, the 2 stooges who hang around to provide comedic moments.
In a mission in Shanghai, NEST found out that Fallen is coming. This leads back in time where it was told that the transformers came to earth before, the primes as they called themselves created a sun harvester, something that convert energon then to power Cybertron's AllSpark. But the agreement was to only take energon sources from planets without life, but one bastard prime disagreed, as he bastard the rest of the prime, he was known as the fallen. To protect it from the fallen, the other primes hide some key known as matrix of leadership using their own bodies.
Sam preparing for his college had to leave bumblebee and gf Mikaela behind. She is even hotter than before, somehow. Anyway, as he packed, he contacted a piece of the AllSpark splinter into the kitchen, this caused all the applicances to transform and rollout. It caused some mayhem before bumblebee came out of the garage and stopped them. S gave the splinter to M before leaving. This also filled this mind with some cybertronian symbols, like telling him something.
S reached college and met his roommate Leo who runs a alien conspiracy website. And also Alice who kept advancing on S, she is hot too but M still better. Meanwhile, decepticon sends a remote control wheelie to try to steal the spark from M, this one abit crap and got captured by M. S called M, telling her that his mind like going crazy with symbols filling it. M with wheelie flew over to meet S.
Decepticon Soundwave, now not only playback casette tape. It is in space tapping into US satelite and listening into NEST conversations. That allowed him to know where they hid Megatron and location of the other AllSpark. He sends some doggie transformer to retrieve the spark and used it to resurrect Megatron. With Fallen back, Megatron is only a ka kia. He kena arrowed to capture Sam, so that can remove his brains and know the symbols.
M reached and as she came into S room. Alice was in bed with S, she saw and left but came back when she heard commotion. Alice was a decepticon pretender. S, M and L escaped, Alice gave chase but eventually was crashed to death by M's car. Grindor the decepticon heli gave chase and caught S M L. They were brought to some warehouse, as decepticons prepare to remove S brain, Optimus and bumblebee arrived. Thus, S M L managed to escape again, but Optimus was killed by Megatron.
With O's death, Mega ordered a full scale assault on earth, as Fallen speaks to the world, demanding them to handover S. L told S that some online guy Robo Warrior maybe able to help to decipher the symbols. They found him and was the guy from the prequel, agent Simmon. He advice they should go to Simthsonian Museum and find JetFire, an old time transformer who was here way back in time. They found him and resurrect him with the AllSpark, only to find he is a decepticon, after he transformed, trying to recollect what happened, sort of agree to help them. Somehow he teleported everyone to Egypt, telling them you can find the matrix here.S did find the matrix but it turned into dust but he believed it will still be able to save O. He told Simmons to phone Major William to fly O and autobots to Egypt. They arrived so did the decepticons. As S M L tried to reach Major William, the decepticons need to destroy O's body first. It was quite a battle mayhem before S M L reached the military area but Mega killed Sam in a chaotic carpet bombing sequence. Lying still, in a flash, he saw the Primes, telling him matrix needs to be earned and he did it. M crying and telling him she loved him, along the movie, they playing the game of who should tell who love who first.
Decepticon already have know where the sun harvester, ordered Constructicons to form. This one very different from the one what we seen in cartoons. As devastator try to climb the pyramid and tear down the top, Simmons followed and radio some USSS captain, asked to use some classified weapon to shoot down devastator, after some TCSS, he believed him and shot down D.
S woke and matrix formed into shape. He resurrect O with that but Mega snatched it and as he flew over to the pyramid with Fallen. They powered the sun harvester. O without the spark seems weak but JetFire who flew by a while back, gave up his power and parts to O. In a split second, Ironhide and some autobot enhanced O. He flew to the pyramid and destroyed the sun harvester. Then he took on Fallen and Mega, they fell back to the ground. Fallen is no fight with the enhanced O, O killed him as he teared through Fallen. Mega and Starscream sat back and watched ... retreated for Transformer 3. 7/10
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