Angels and Demons
It thrills though the twist in the end was expected. Maybe shouldn't have anticipated too much, but such stories simply needs a twist in the end. Hanks continued as the man who read and understand religion symbols. Langdon was visited by Vatican police and brought immediately to Vatican to investigate a kidnap of the 4 cardinals who were suppose to stand for election for the Pope.
The perpetrator leaved behind some diagram wordings symbolizing "Illuminati". And vowed to killed each caridinal hourly from 20:00, then the final plan to blow up the whole Vatican, using some stolen "anti matter". A group supposedly made up of people believing and exceling in Science which eventually was so called being forced by the church into becoming a secret society. After some understanding, L requested access to the Vatican archives, so he went with Richter, the swiss guard commander to seek approval from the Carmerlengo, Patrick, the acting head of state since Pope is dead.
Vittoria, one of the scientist that experimented on the anti matter came along. As she and L go through the archives, they found where could the first kill will be. But it was too late, so they race against time to check where the other cardinals could be killed. L knew they will be killed in places symbolizing earth, air, fire and water. P kept urging the cardinals to vacate Vaticans but failed, they wanted to continue their voting for new Pope.L and rest did save the 4th cardinal and found the perpetrator, just a contract killer who escaped but got blown up in the end. L though P could be in danger, ran from the hideout place which also leads back to Vatican Pope room. They charged in into the room seemingly R trying to kill P, so the swiss guard shot R.
P was lying on the ground with burns on his chest. As he recovered, they searched the place for the anti matter, which they found but V believe it was too late but P snatched it and charged out to the square.
Onto the helicopter and flew off, but parachuted out. The anti matter exploded and caused an huge force surging through out Vatican square. P survived. As the cardinals failed to elect a new Pope, they try to consider P but he was only a Camerlengo and was too young. Then twist came. 8/10
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