Tropic Thunder
Hilarous with a Ben Stiller element movie, meaning the character he played must be suay somehow. I liked the way how the movie started. As the main plot was about a cast of the hottest, over the hill, went the wrong path and unknown actors came together to shoot the greatest war film ever. So it started with trailers of the movies by these actors. Interesting indeed and funny.
BS is Tugg Speedman, fame of the Scorcher franchise but he went full retard in the movie "Simple Jack", signalling his downfall. J Black is Jeff "Fart" Portnoy, famous for his multiple characters protray of extreme obese that fart for fun. R Downey Jr is Kirk Lazaraus, academy award winner, the trailer about his movie was really like a real movie but also with some funny moments, Spidey cameo in it !The big budget war movie got its problem as rookie director having problem making the cast worked together. Then the so called guy 4 leaf who wrote the book which the movie got adapted from, gave an idea, put them into the real jungle and let their real emotions come out. It didn't went too well, the director was blown into pieces by a landmine. BS still as usual BSly telling that the blown up head wasn't real, lifting it up above his head and licking the undescribable thingie dripping all over him.
Not knowing that, there was a army of drug dealers in the jungle whom managed to capture 4 leaf and the explosive man. Then BS split with the rest, as he just abit pissed with RD Jr. He got caught as well but even worse they recongnize him as 笨蛋 Jack !! The army headed by some kid "who thinks by pulling open his shirt and showing BS his very pirated tatoo can scare the shit out of him". He made him do shows to his people, and somehow a kid appreciate him by giving some stick like doll which BS assume it was like an academy award.
He even started to acknowledge the kid as his son, calling him half squat ... Kaoz. Then RD Jr attempt to go back to the helicopter discover the location of this army and also knew BS was captured. This started their plan to save him. This RD Jr character was quite something, most of his dialogue was either tongue twister or some cheemology stuff but some were quite funny though.
There was even time for T Cruise and M McConaughey to come into picture. TC was some movie company boss whose every statement he speak will have at least few "f*ck" words, MM was BS agent, who kept insisting his client should get a TIVO on the movie set .. Quite persistently funny. In the end, it was this TIVO who saved them. The final battle scene was not bad ... firepower, flaming guns, bazuka, blown bridge, stabbing stepson, etc. The stabbing stepson was quite funny but too bad it was already shown in the trailer, so abit spoiler.
Very entertaining. 8/10
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