Saturday, August 16, 2008

12 莲花

Similar to the above expectations 881 which was popular and did well in the box office as well. This one has a strong 歌台 element also which is important as most part of the movie was delivered with melodic hokkien songs in MTV style.

Movie start off with 孙燕姿's debut cameo role as a 歌台 singer with some dialogue, no impression left behind though. Anyway, it is a movie about 刘莲花's pitiful life where she encountered men mostly treating her really bad.

Mindee Ong is 刘莲花, beaten when young by her father, by 黄奕良. Then conned by 阿龙 by 戚玉武 prior to her father's death. This is the part where I am still quite not sure, if the bad guys will just to want have sex with her, why go through so much hassle of getting 阿龙 to become a duet with her in the 歌台 scene.

And assuming her father's accident was actually masterminded by the baddie, even more addtional dirty work needed. Then she became mad, stuffing herself at home alone, only the grown up 小飞侠 visited her on and off, just to ensure she probably still alive. This 小飞侠 was sort of a partner of the duet 莲花 and 阿龙 was.

From she got mad which was protrayed by 刘玲玲 till the movie's next climax was quite long, as this portion of the movie was seemingly trying to add some slapstick comical moments, abit trying too hard. Then somehow, 阿龙 budged into 莲花's flat ... assuming he knows she was the one he conned years back. He was in debt and this place was somehow intime to be his refuge.

The ending left us clueless with no ending. 6/10

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