I was abit put off by the minimal dialogue for this movie but it compensated that with everything else. Maybe also the trailer was shown quite early and the movie till now then came on screen.
Wall-e ( Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class ) was a robot, to be precise the last thing on earth that can moved by itself. His job was to collect rubbish and crushed them into a cube like object. His morning starts with getting itself charged by releasing its solar panel while it stand on the rooftop. Then he go to work, find rubbish and crushed them, he also collects garbage which he regarded as interesting.
He seem happy. Along the way, he seemingly tried to understand humans, through a video tape which he watched over and over again. Also through the garbage it collected.
Then ... some spaceship landed, dropped something and left. She was a little egg shaped robot which flies and very wary of its surrounding initially, shooting anything that moved. It was love at first sight for Wall-e who brought Eve ( Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator ) back. She was assigned a job and that was to find any life form on earth and protect it and wait for the spaceship to return.
Meeting Wall-e lightens up Eve and they seems to be having a good time till Eve found a life form among Wall-e collections of garbage, upon sighting the little plant, she retrieved it and kept it into herself and went into some "coma" mode. This worried Wall-e, thinking she might be "dead", he tried all methods but to no avail.One day, the spaceship returned, Wall-e rushed back and somehow got on the spaceship and went into space. This spaceship owned by Buy and Large Corporation, was a project by them to save human lifes when earth was too have too much rubbish for human to live on. Thus, the company send people into space. living in a super duper huper kuper AUTOMATED life.
So automatic till you do not have to even standup or walk, etc. Everyone looked like SaMe, just bigger and wider, the part where the captain woke up in the morning and a cup of coffee was made for him which was on the table, he couldn't reached it and pressed the button that pushed him nearer to the cup.
This was the beginning of the space galatica adventure for Wall-e ...
Eve returning with the "life form" went through a series of checks before was send to the Captain. But it was stolen, so no choice, Eve was send for further checks as Wall-e tagged along. At the repair centre, Wall-e thought Eve was going to be brought apart, rushed to save her, accidentally brought down the repair centre defence system. All the malfunctions robots got free and so grateful to Wall-e.
With Wall-e help, Eve retrieved the plant but spaceship autopilot system had other ideas. It had already been told 700 years ago that earth was already too toxic for them to go back. Thus, it imprisoned the Captain and wanted to destroy the plant.
It will be Wall-e to save the day and earth as well. A delightful and heartwarming animation. 8/10