We are being deem as "maximum profit can be squeezed out of us". We will watch this movie in 2 parts, latter being somewhere around in Dec. While in the US, they get to watch a single edited version.
Highly anticipated with its big cast, 梁朝伟, 金城武, 林志玲, etc and of course most expensive asian film to date. The movie adapted as closely as possible from the historical records of 三國志, is largely based on the battle between 曹操 and 孙权/刘备. But the main battle was between 曹操 who was a military genius and 诸葛亮, the greatest strategist and 周瑜, another military strategist.
The movie started off showing the poweress and ambition of 曹操, whom was a Prime Minister but actually was treating himself as an Emperor. He wanted to wipeout 刘备 and then takeover 孙权 to overall consolidate his position. 曹操's army outnumbered 刘备 astronomically and coupled with 刘备's benevolent character, whom he put his citizens at first, retreating the people to a safe place was top priority.
With the help of 五虎将 and 诸葛亮's 回光战术, managed to delay the enemy and allow the people to flee. Not sure if this 回光战术 tactic actually exists, basically it uses nature's force, the sun, in this situation which was reflected off the soldier's shining reflective shield, which the soldier laid in a long horizontal line to defend against the incoming attack. This somehow blinded whoever that approached.
Though they escaped, they need help, thus 诸葛亮 suggested that they need 孙权's help, something which was like best out of the worst. 诸葛亮 knew he only need to convince 周瑜 to allow both armies to collaborate, as 孙权's typical useless character probably will be too distracted by what those "Kia Si" senior minister's comments.Not the movie also tried to inject some slapstick humour here and there, somehow it did paid off.
And of course, the very much talk about 林志玲's character, which was her first big-screen effort.
Also the 床上戏 she had with 周瑜 aka 梁朝伟, WHICH WAS EITHER CUT OR CAN ONLY BE SEEN IN THE 2nd MOVIE !!!
Like the way she was bandaging 周瑜 when he was wounded by an arrow during the 八卦阵
battle, slow motion with some crap erotic music at the back, felt like watching some C-grade
二级片. Then she start mentioning how she can help by providing first-aid in his army, KAOZ THEN CONFIRM LOSING BATTLE, NO PRIZE IN GUESSING WHY EVERY GOD DAMN SOLDIER WANT TO GET INJURED THEN !!!!
The other battle scene in this first part was the 八卦阵, how 周瑜, 诸葛亮 and the 五虎将 defeated 曹操's infantry troops. Very elaborated scene, showing the the tactical formation and the power of the characters.
The last 20 mins of the movie was simply just there to trying to bridge to the 2nd part which typically people might already forget what happen in the first part when it get shown in Dec. 8/10
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