Another "kill people put fire" movie by Samo after 杀破浪, Donnie Yen the most prominent one missing from this cast. 夺帅 lacked 杀破浪's straight to the point ruthless plot. It tries to add more bite to the story base on a typical HK triad movie, but fails to do so as it was quite predictable and the anticipation was the fighting scenes that was coming.
Samo was the head of the most powerful triad and his business was doing well which his "company" gains thousand of millions of dollars. Simon Yam played his brother who gambled the company wealth's away. And of course the must mention 吴京, one of his hench man who killed people with ease, this time round using his .... "倚天一出 谁与争风". He slashed, sliced, chopped, pierced his enemies in swift and deadly moves. But the CGI elements made it looked fake or wierd, blood spills like "Red Cross" asking for blood, limbs departs from its body as the enemies yells in hell.
In SPL, the police played a more vital role because of Donnie Yen though the team kena killed quite "Texas Chainsaw" massacre way. In 夺帅, the police is more passive as the English name of this movie implies "Fatal Move", waiting for a move that crippled the whole company.
One drug deal became bad as police raided because another triad leak the news to the police. The henchman got caught but his wife has other ideas. She threaten to divulge critical information to the police if she does not get right amount of 安家费, in cahoot with her lover. As usual, both died very "M18". She also got tortured "Saw IV" way before she died.
恬忸 played the wife of Samo who was in cahoot with 阿发 one of the henchman to kidnapp 四哥 and then get the ransom from Samo. They succeed but not for long as Simon found out the truth from his mole in the police. This follow by internal rife and 阿发 died as you might have guess, not very PG.With all these, have yet seen Samo show his fighting moves. Till the end, because on the good people side, there is no cast capable of fighting him. So till the end, when 吴京 and him were trapped in a warehouse with police surrounding it. They fought !
As 吴京 do not believe he is 天下第一 .... the fight not as good as the ones in SPL. And more disappointingly, the final move that killed 吴京 was censored.
Haiz ... the fatal move that differentiate M18 and R21 ? 7/10