Fanboys is quite entertaining B-grade Kumar goes to white castle kinda of movie but with a more specific theme. Set in the 90s where a group of Star Wars fanatic friends embark on their journey to the Skywalker Ranch to catch Episode 1 months before the premiere. Nobody cares about the plot when your movie name is Fanboys but the cause was because Linus was cancer stricken.
So off they go ... Eric, Linus, Hutch and Windows. For apparent reason, this nerd character was named windows. But he was the one who gets the girl, Zoe, the electric girl from Heroes. It is a 90 mins show, so along the way ... quite enough stuff to keep the mood going. And also windows soughted help from some online friend who seemingly knows how to get into the skywalker ranch.
And hutch did a detour to square off with a bunch of star treks fans. Fight broke out as insults hurls in both directions, but saying "Hans solo is a bitch" ignited it all. They escaped but the hutch van broke down and gotten some help a chief from a gay bar. Van was fixed so off they go but windows online friend who was suppose to be a cross between sarah michelle gellar and janeane garofalo ... was actually a 10 year old kid. Her uncle came to bash them up ... but believed them after they answered his "10 years series" star war fans questions.So they were told to go to Vegas to meet this guy who will gave them the stuff they need to get into the ranch. They did ... but not before going to the police station. Zoe bailed them out and followed them to Vegas. They got their stuff, met some escorts and got blackmailed by a star war fanatic gangster .... and the star treks fan were also there ... Even the gangster cannot stand "No one calls Hans Solo a bitch"
They go to the ranch ... went in ... went awe with the star wars items ... got caught. But were let off after answering some "10 years series" questions again ... but these time all kinds of sex questions went in ... it is NC16. So only linus got to watch the movie ... and he passed away along the journey back. 7/10